Sunday 24 November 2013

What We Need for the Journey

We each travel differently. 

Some like to research where they are going, shop for special clothing, read about the sites to see, pack a few bags weeks in advance of the trip.

Some are happy to grab a toothbrush and a change of underwear just before heading to the airport.

Travel in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Or try something new.

Each day in Advent a reading from an ancient text will be posted followed by prompts.

Prompts will be offered to encourage your reflection on the text, such as:
  • an image or photograph
  • a word or question
  • a reflection or song, and so on

And you get to respond. If you like to write, write. If you are inspired to draw or doodle or sing or move or simply sit, do whatever you wish.

If you’d like to post a thought, an image, or a comment, feel free to post.

Enjoy your trip!


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