Saturday 21 December 2013

Sabbath Pause

Bach’s full version of Mary’s song runs almost 26 minutes; so, for now, I invite you to pause only long enough to listen to the three-minute first movement, which includes the Latin words, “Magnificat anima mea Dominum,” meaning “My soul magnifies God.” 

What the Light Shines Through
A Healing Blessing by Jan Richardson

Where pain
does not touch you.
Where hurt
does not make its home.
Where despair
does not haunt you.
Where sorrow
does not dwell.

Where disease
does not possess you.
Where death
does not abide.
Where horror
does not hold you.
Where fear
does not raise its head.

Where your wounds
become doorways.
Where your scars
become sacred maps.
Where tears
become pools of gladness.
Where delight
attends your way.

Where every kindness
you have offered
returns to you.
Where each blessing
you have given
makes it way back
to you.
Where every grace
gathers around you.
Where the face of love
mirrors your gaze.

Where you are
what the light

shines through.

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